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Please click the donate button next to the rider you want to support

Dedicated cyclists are riding n the Long Island Bicycle Challenge to raise funds to defeat COVID-19 cancer. Your donation supports Feinstein Institute/Northwell Health System researchers and healthcare workers on the front lines battling the pandemic. 

Want to send a check - Remit to Long Island Bike Challenge, 1366 Odell St.

Wantagh, NY 11793 (please write name of rider you're supporting on memo line of check or enclose a note) 

The Long Island Bike Challenge is a non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) tax status, so your gift is tax-deductible. Tax ID # 27-3334500. 

VERY IMPORTANT! Many employers MATCH employee charitable donations.  Please check to see if your employer will match your donation!!

Click Teams Button for page listing of all bike riders on Teams.


    Eileen Annino

Nicholas Blaine

John Becker

Alexander Betti

Laura Betti

Jonathan Brody

John Buzanga

Michael Casalotti

William Chimeri

Robin Cho

Phil Cicero

Ryan Crilley

Brian Dalpiaz

Robert Dalpiaz

Lee Damico

Keith Diamond

Edward Diller

Ian Drewe

Justin Famularo

Jason Ferrara

Jeremy Ferris

Lee Fine

Rockwell Fransen

Dennis Gatto Jr.

Melanie Giarratano

Jessica Gonzalez

Stephen Goldhorn

Nathan Hausspiegel

Raymond Hublall

David Koffler

Ingrid Knudsen

Nick Lalli

Robin Laurel

Chris Landron

Philippe Malebranche

Brendan Lynch

Edward Martinez

Mark Marzotto

Kevin McGrady

Joshua Montezuma

Shannon Myles

Sri Nandula

Christine  Pagano

Luke Cambria Pagano

Suri Peykar

Chirag Raparia

Barry Shapiro

Mat Stollow

Vincent Sullivan

Mark Sweeney

Gwen Townsend

Lizeth Victoria

Pam Waluk

Jeffrey Wendelken

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