Long Island Bike Challenge
The LIBC's mission is to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research. 100% of every rider-raised dollar goes directly to Northwell/Feinstein.
Long Island Bike Challenge 2025
Save the Date
Sunday, July 27, 2025

Ride Safety
Rider safety is extremely important. The Long Island Bike Challenge (LIBC) is a charity bike ride not a race, the purpose is to raise money to Beat Cancer! Any participant deemed by the LIBC Director to be an unsafe rider will be barred from further participation in LIBC.
Mandatory Requirements for Participation
• Helmets (US CPSC-approved) must be worn riding.
• Headphones, iPods and radios are not permitted while riding.
• Obey all traffic laws. Bicycles, sharing roads with cars are subject to the same traffic laws as cars unless otherwise directed by law enforcement.
1. Be Predictable. Group riding requires even more attention to predictability than riding alone. Other riders expect you to continue straight ahead at a constant speed unless you indicate differently.
2. Use Signals. Use hand and verbal signals to communicate with fellow cyclists and with other traffic. Hand signals for turning and stopping are as follows: left arm straight out to signal a left turn; left arm out and down with your palm to the rear to signal slowing or stopping; and for a right turn, put your right arm straight out or put your left arm out and up.
3. Give Warnings. Warn cyclists behind you well in advance of changes in your direction or speed. To notify the group of a change in path, the lead rider should call out “left turn” or “right turn” in addition to giving a hand signal.
4. Announce Hazards. When riding in a group, most of the cyclists do not have a good view of the road surface ahead, so it is important to announce holes, glass, sand, grates, and other hazards. The leader should indicate hazards by pointing down to the left or right, and by shouting “hole,” “bump,” etc. where required Be Predictable. Group riding requires even more attention to predictability than riding alone. Other riders expect you to continue straight ahead at a
constant speed unless you indicate differently.
5. Watch Out at Intersections. When approaching intersections that require vehicles to yield or stop, the lead rider will say “slowing” or “stopping” to alert those behind to the change in speed.When passing through an intersection, some cyclists say “clear” if there is no cross traffic. Note that each cyclist is responsible for verifying that the way is indeed clear for safety.
Rider Responsibility
Long Island Bike Challenge riders are undertaking a serious physical, mental and fundraising challenge. We want riders to feel good about this challenge, to be safe and have fun. To ensure safety as best as possible, the well marked ride route will travel low density trafficked roads as much as possible, with water/food stops spaced at approximately 20 mile intervals. It is each rider’s responsibility to do the following:
1. Make sure the bike they use is in good condition. This should include having the bike professionally tuned-up by their local bike shop.
2. Please utilize our sponsors for bike tune-ups.
3. Carry tire levers; at least ONE spare tube; a pump.
4. Know how to change a flat tire.
5. Carry basic tools to make minor adjustments.
6. Know how to put back their chain if it should come off during the ride.
7. Obey traffic safety laws.
8. Familiarize themselves with the route prior to the ride.
9. Respect other riders.